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Praying Hands

Prayer Team

St. Francis Anglican Parish is a congregation passionately committed to prayer.  We follow the teaching of Jesus Christ that we can “with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 ESV) Therefore, as a prayer team, praying for the needs of our church, our members and the world around us, we ask God to help guide and direct our steps and trust that he knows all of us and understands everything and will answer our prayers as is best for us.


The Holy Eucharistic celebration, the great and all-encompassing prayer of the Anglican church, is central to worship at St. Francis, serving as a structure for our daily prayer focus to include adoration, thanksgiving, repentance and petition, keeping us forever mindful of the redemptive death of Jesus.


We rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to shape decisions, as the Vestry, in partnership with the Rector, exercises spiritual leadership and bases its decisions on a process of listening to God.  Its guidance is the hallmark of our planning for all parish ministries. We pray and listen first then move ahead with decisions.


We seek to expand the depth and scope of our prayer lives.  Our team does this through instruction and training; and we minister to others through various opportunities to both give and receive prayer.


Blessings the Lord has poured onto this congregation reinforce our commitment to operate as a prayer-driven church. Our mission is to make Jesus and his grace and love unmistakably real, drawing more people to salvation.

Praying Hands

Parish Prayer Team

As it was being organized, St. Francis Anglican Parish created a Parish Prayer Team. This team envelopes every member and every aspect of St. Francis Anglican Parish in Holy Spirit led prayer. Not relying on our wisdom, but listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we prayed for our parish to be a joyous place where all people are welcome and transformed by Biblical truth taught within the context of a loving, Christian community. We give God thanks and praise for answering that prayer!


Our activities include:

  • Training and establishing intercessory prayer teams to pray

    • Before church services

    • During vestry meetings

  • Training and providing intercessors to pray with individuals who request healing or intercessory prayer during communion.

  • Praying for our rectors, vestry and leaders of all ministries and encouraging them to recruit personal intercessors to give them critical prayer support

  • If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Dianna, Marty or Gordy at the addresses shown below.

For more information:

Dianna Andrews,

Marty Pate,

Gordy Reese,

St. Anne's Prayer Guild

St. Anne’s Prayer Guild members pray daily for both members and nonmembers with ongoing prayer needs and meet monthly to update our prayer list.

For more information:

Peggy Nelson,

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