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Semester 1


Week 1 - Big Story of the OT Part 1

Week 2 - Big Story of the OT Part 2

Week 3 - Creation (Gen 1-2)

Week 4 - Fall (Gen 3)

Week 5 - Cain and Abel (Gen 4)

Week 6 - Abraham (Gen 12;15)

Week 7 - Exodus

Week 8 - David and Goliath 

Week 9 - David and Bathsheba

Week 10 -  Jeremiah

Week 11 -  Jonah

Week 12 -  Ruth

Semester 2


Week 1 - Big Story of the NT Part 1

Week 2 - Big Story of the NT Part 2

Week 3 - John 1

Week 4 - Matthew 3 (Temptation / Fall)

Week 5 - Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-8)

Week 6 - Calming of the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)

Week 7 - Death and Resurrection (Luke 24)

Week 8 - Ascension and Sending  (Acts 1)

Week 9 - Peter’s Sermon (Acts 10)

Week 10 - New Creation (Col 1)

Week 11 - James (sermon on the sermon on the mount)

Week 12 - (re)Creation (Rev 21-22)

Semester 3


Week 1 - Big Story of the OT Part 1

Week 2 - Big Story of the OT Part 2

Week 3 - The Flood (Gen 5-8)

Week 4 - Tower of Babel (Gen 11)

Week 5 - Abraham and Isaac (Gen 22)

Week 6 - Tabernacle (Exodus 18-32)

Week 7 - Solomon and the Temple (2 Kings)

Week 8 - Solomon and Wisdom (2 Kings)

Week 9 - Isaiah (Isaiah 6)

Week 10 -  Amos

Week 11 -  Micah

Week 12 - Proverbs

Semester 4


Week 1 - Big Story of the NT Part 1

Week 2 - Big Story of the NT Part 2

Week 3 - Luke 2

Week 4 - Luke Story

Week 5 - Zacchaeus (Luke 19)

Week 6 - Luke Miracles

Week 7 - Jesus’ Prayer (John 17)

Week 8 - Pentecost  (Acts 2)

Week 9 - Paul in Athens (Acts 18)

Week 10 - Paul on Jesus (Phil 2)

Week 11 - Hebrews

Week 12 -  Worship (Rev 6)

Semester 5


Week 1 - Big Story of the OT Part 1

Week 2 - Big Story of the OT Part 2

Week 3 -  The Flood (Gen 5-8)

Week 4 -  Tower of Babel (Gen 11)

Week 5 -  Joseph (Gen 45-50)

Week 6 -  Leviticus

Week 7 -  Numbers / Tabernacle (Numbers)

Week 8 -  Josiah (2 Kings)

Week 9 -   A second King

Week 10 -  Daniel

Week 11 -  Esther

Week 12 -  Psalms

Semester 6


Week 1 - Big Story of the NT Part 1

Week 2 - Big Story of the NT Part 2

Week 3 - Nicodemus/ Samaritan woman and Worship (John 3)

Week 4 -  Light of the World (John 8)

Week 5 -  Feeding of 5,000 (John)

Week 6 -  Death and Resurrection (John’s Gospel)

Week 7 -  Community in Acts  (Acts 2/4)

Week 8 -  Acts story #2

Week 9 -   1 Corinthians

Week 10 - Romans

Week 11 - 1 John

Week 12 -  Dire Times (Rev 18)

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