Parish History
St. Francis Anglican Parish was formed in June of 2015 as a prayer driven congregation devoted to upholding the faith, discipline and worship of the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.”
We affiliated with the Diocese of Christ Our Hope, a part of the Anglican Church of North America, and have been so blessed by the faithful, pastoral shepherding of our bishop, The Right Reverend Doctor Stephen Breedlove.
From the start, God’s provision has been more than evident:
In September, 2015, Fr. Craig Lister became our founding rector.
The good people of Emmanuel Congregational Christian Church made their church building available to us, and we made our priest available to them. This arrangement worked so well for both congregations that Emmanuel ultimately and incredibly generously deeded their beautiful facility to St. Francis in early 2018.
In January, 2018, we called Fr. Matt Garrison as our associate rector, with the goal that, upon Fr. Craig’s retirement, Fr. Matt would become rector, assisted by Fr. Craig in a part-time position. This has come to pass. We are also blessed to have Reverend Brian Teeter as a pastoral associate.
From the seventy people who originally met to form our church, our numbers have grown to approximately 200, even in the midst of COVID.
Most of all, we are thankful that our members demonstrate a deep love for and commitment to God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; to one another; and to the world around us!
If St. Francis sounds like the place where you could grow in faith and love for the Lord and all his people, we certainly invite you to “come and see” if we are a good fit for you. If so, we would love to have you join us in writing the next chapters in God’s plan for this portion of the Body of Christ.